Players approve of the revised IMP – VP Scales
By Anna Gudge In News On 2nd April 2014
Overview of the WBF VP Scale Survey
In 2013, at the World Championship in Bali, the WBF introduced new Victory Point (VP) scales that had been adopted earlier in the year. Since these scales represented a significant change from the scales that had been in use for over two decades, the WBF conducted a survey of the players in attendance to gauge the level of acceptance. 365 players responded, which was more than 75% of the players in attendance. The very high response level indicated serious interest in the subject.
The results were gratifying for advocates of the new scales. While some resistance was to be expected, the surveyed players approved the new scales by a wide margin. Most important was Question 1: Do you approve the new scales? 65% said yes. In several followup questions the voters also preferred the new scales in direct comparisons to both the old scale and to a hypothetical 100-VP flat scale. The final question, about the perceived “comprehensibility” of the new scales, drew a more evenly divided response. Comments were optional and mirrored the voting to a large extent.
The strong early approval of the new scales suggests that with time the scales will achieve wide acceptance around the world.
In addition to the survey results, please read the “Rationale for the New WBF Victory Point Scales”. It explains the committee’s thinking in terms that are conceptual rather than mathematical.