43 World Bridge Team Championships & 11th FunBridge Transnational Open Team Championship
By Anna Gudge In Archive, News On 29th March 2017
The Registration Page is now open for Bermuda Bowl, Venice Cup and d’Orsi Senior Trophy.
All entries to the Championships must be submitted electronically, via the WBF website (not by email) by 10th June 2017. It is very important that this deadline is respected.
Registration of players and NBO Delegation members must be sent via the WBF website (not by email) by 1st July 2017.
The Registration Page is now open for the FunBridge Transnational Open Teams Championship
Registration of teams should be made before 1 st August 2017 wherever possible.
Entries will be accepted later provided there is sufficient space at the venue. Entries from teams eliminated from the main Championship events may be made on site. All entries are subject to approval by the Credentials Committee.
Registrations must be made via the WBF website (not by email).
Players, NPCs and Coaches, registered as team members by 10 July, eliminated from the Round-Robin and Quarter-final of the Bermuda Bowl, Venice Cup and d’Orsi Trophy may form new Open teams and will receive free entry provided no players who have not participated in these events are added.
Click HERE to go to the Registration Page