WBF – ABF NBOs Officers’ Seminar
Cape Town, South Africa, 3rd – 5th May 2017
By Anna Gudge In Archive, Event update, News On 6th May 2017

Participants at the WBF Seminar, held in Cape Town, South Africa – May 2017
As announced the WBF – ABF NBOs Officers’ Seminar was held in Cape Town, South Africa from 3rd to 5th May. It followed the successful CSB NBO Officers’ Seminar organised in Medellin in 2016. This new policy introduced two years ago is to organise an annual NBOs Officers’ Seminar in the various Zones.
This year the event, reserved for the Officers of the Federations affiliated to the African Bridge Federation, has been organised in Cape Town and hosted by the South African Bridge Federation, under the coordination of the ABF. The Seminar was extremely successful and was attended by the representatives of Botswana, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, South Africa, Reunion, Tunisia.
After the welcome from the SABF President, Helen Kruger, the proceedings were opened by the ABF President, Bernard Pascal, who acted as Moderator for all four sessions.
Reports and presentations were made by the WBF President Gianarrigo Rona, the Executive Vice President Alvin Levy; the Treasurer Marc De Pauw, the General Counsel David Harris, the Secretary Simon Fellus, the Coordinator of the Youth Development Gilad Ofir and the Chairman of the Bridge & Science Committee Marek Malysa.
A very interesting and much appreciated report was also presented by the Botswana Bridge Federation with regard to their successful activity in developing Youth Bridge. Books, booklets and CDs concerning the WBF activity and several documents, continuing the theme of the Seminar, were delivered. Very profitable discussions followed the various reports giving opportunities to discuss the various items.
The Seminar was very successful and appreciated by the participants who expressed their agreement by thanking the WBF for the initiative.

Gianarrigo Rona – WBF President

Marc De Pauw – WBF Treasurer

Al Levy – WBF Executive Vice-President

David Harris – WBF General Counsel

Simon Fellus – WBF Secretary

Gilad Ofir – WBF Youth Coordinator

Marek Malysa – WBF Chairman of Bridge & Science Committee

Botswana Bridge Federation presenting their successful Youth Program