Keep Bridge Alive Pro-Am Tournament
By Anna Gudge In Archive, Event update, News On 15th November 2019
The University of Stirling is organising a glamorous Pro-Am event on Thursday 20 February from 6pm until midnight at Stationers’ Hall, central London, as part of the ongoing fundraising engagement for the Keep Bridge Alive campaign.
A number of elite international players have agreed to take part in the event including, Boye Brogeland, Sabine Auken, Roy Welland, Fredrik Helness and Dennis Bilde. They are all putting themselves forward for auction for amateur players to bid for them and enjoy a world class partner for a night and mingle with the experts during the drinks reception and buffet prior to the tournament.
The Keep Bridge Alive Pro-Am fundraiser will enable academic research to promote the social benefits of bridge and support an inter-generational approach to learning and playing bridge in schools, universities, libraries, workplaces and community centres.
Attached is the Keep Bridge Alive Pro-Am Brochure and the auction site can be found at:https://www.jumblebee.co.uk/keepbridgealiveproam20february2020
All the monies raised will go to paying for the Keep Bridge Alive researchers who work with Dr Samantha Punch to produce academic research findings on bridge that could be used by the global KBA network to:
- Transform the image of bridge
- Increase participation
- Enhance the sustainability of the mind sport.
The only charity bridge Pro-Am that is actually giving back to the game itself!