By Anna Gudge In Archive, Event update, News, Official announcements On 17th March 2020
The President of the WBF has sent the following letter to all NBOs concerning the COVID-19 outbreak.
Dear Bridge Friends,
Given the current Covid-19 outbreak, I am writing in regard to World Bridge Championships 2020, to provide an update on the status of our upcoming events, World Youth Team Championship and World Bridge Games, to be held in Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy, next August.
Our thoughts are with the people and families, everywhere in the world, affected by the outbreak and to all we send our best wishes.
We are continuously monitoring day-by-day the situation with the support of our Medical & Prevention Commission and we are following the recommendations and guidelines provided by the World Health Organisation and other leading health authorities around the world, who are informing us about the evolution of the situation. We are also fully aware of the recommendations on travel and restrictions imposed by the various governments.
Today it’s nearly impossible to make predictions. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and share any developments regarding the World Bridge Championships 2020, being also in strict contact with the Italian Bridge Federation and Salsomaggiore Terme Organising Committee to avoid any possible inconvenience.
We have already planned, in the first week of April, a meeting of the WBF Championship Committee to examine the situation and, looking at the scenario, to define the line-up to be decided by the Executive Council.
Please rest assured the WBF will continue to do what is in the best interests and safety of all the participants. All together, united and solid, we’ll get through the tunnel.
Hoping for the best, wishing you good health and safety and thanking you for your attention and understanding
Un abbraccio
Gianarrigo Rona
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