WBF Disciplinary Code Amended
By Anna Gudge In Archive, News, Official announcements On 25th June 2020
Before 2018 the WBF Anti-doping Hearing Panel, pursuant to art. 19.4 & 37 of the Statutes, had exclusive competence to hear any anti-doping cases that might arise. It then seemed possible to give the competence in anti-doping matters to the Disciplinary Tribunal and so accordingly it was decided to amend art. 2.4 of the Disciplinary Code. Next step would have been to submit this to the WBF Congress for formal approval of this amendment.
Now, however, the international rules are changed and the required conditions for the members of the Anti-doping Hearing Panel and the procedures governing any such hearings are so strict and specific that it is no longer possible to have just one disciplinary organ and the same procedure. This means that the WBF must revert to the previous rule and thus there is no need to submit the amendments to the Congress.
Therefore the Management Committee unanimously approved that art. 2.4 of the Disciplinary Code remains unaltered as follows: “This Disciplinary Code shall not apply, and be without prejudice, to anti-doping matters, which shall be governed by the WBF Anti-Doping Rules and Regulations”
In addition, the MC formally amended some other details within the Code in accordance with the new Statutes (previously referred to as the WBF Constitution) and By-Laws. The amended Disciplinary Code came into effect on 23rd June 2020 and can be downloaded by clicking here
Anna Gudge
WBF Communication Manager