2020 WBF Meeting of Congress
By Anna Gudge In Archive, News, Official announcements On 3rd September 2020
It is now confirmed that the 2020 Congress will be hosted in accordance with art. 27 par. 1 lit. b of Ordinance 3 on Measures to Combat Coronavirus of the Swiss Federal Council (formerly art. 6f par. 1 lit. b of COVID-19 Ordinance 2).
Consequently, members will not be able to attend the Congress physically and will be requested to send their voting instructions by e-mail to the independent proxy appointed by the Management Committee at the meeting held on 17th July, namely the law firm Kellerhals Carrard Lausanne/Sion Ltd, represented by one of its Partners.
The formal notice of the Meeting together with the preliminary Agenda can be downloaded by clicking here.