New Research Information from BAMSA
By WBF In News, Resources On 27th April 2023
Bridge: A MindSport for All (BAMSA) has a new research animation based on their recent academic research:
Benefits of Bridge: The Partnership Mindsport
Click here to watch the new research animation that discusses the life skills that can be developed through bridge.
BAMSA’s latest academic paper:
Although bridge is primarily a mental activity, there is a physical element as well. Players expend energy and experience fatigue during a long event. The latest BAMSA paper discusses how they prepare for and deal with this both on a personal level and as a partnership. It is anticipated that this paper on the physicality of bridge could contribute to bridge being recognised as a sport.
Read the full paper here: The Physicality of Mindsports Through Elite Bridge Players’ Sensorial Experiences: Presence, Confidence, and Bodies, in The Sociological Review.
A two-page summary is also available via the Research section of the BAMSA website.
Training, Support and Development Project
Findings and reports from BAMSA’s recent study can be found here:
An exciting opportunity to support the growth of youth bridge: BAMSA is currently working on a new mindsport education project with research being conducted in schools in Europe and the USA. Please see the attached flier for more information.
Any donation you or your NBO are able to gift will be doubled by the Levine Family Foundation. They are generously match-funding to enable BAMSA to complete an innovative four-year collaborative project to recruit and retain more youth bridge players and introduce mindsport education in schools around the world.
Many thanks in advance for your support, all donations are very much appreciated. All resources which BAMSA develops are freely available for anyone to use (BAMSA asks you to let them know how you have used them – email bamsa@stir.ac.uk)