Disciplinary Action
By WBF In News, Official announcements On 7th December 2023
The Tunisian Mixed Team failed to appear to play against their opponents, the Israeli Mixed Team, in Round 15 of the Wuhan Cup on 24th August this year in Marrakech. This was a breach of the WBF’s Disciplinary Code and charges were brought against the Tunisian Bridge Federation and against the players scheduled to play. The Federation and the players concerned have accepted their breach together with the sanctions that were proposed within the charges.
The Federation has been suspended from entering all Representative Events for the calendar year of 2024; the players have agreed to be subject to the forfeiture of any Master Points awarded to them for the Wuhan Cup in Marrakech. The proposed sanctions recognised the mitigating circumstances related to the incident. The Federation and the players have confirmed that they will adhere to the Rules in all future events and behave in the best ethical mode.