Resolution concerning Russian/Belarusian players
By WBF In News, Official announcements On 25th March 2024
At a meeting of the WBF Executive Council on March 9, 2024, the following decision was taken concerning the participation of Russian and Belarusian bridge players in WBF events:
- No Russian or Belarusian players may participate in WBF National Representative events. Such events include WBF Zonal events that qualify for a WBF National Representative event.
- Russian and Belarusian players may participate as individuals in Transnational events provided the following conditions, in line with the IOC eligibility conditions published on December 8, 2023[1], are met:
- Players who actively support the war will not be eligible to be entered or to compete. Support personnel who actively support the war in Ukraine will not be eligible to be entered or to compete.
- Players who are contracted to the Russian or Belarusian military or national security agencies will not be eligible to be entered or to compete.
- Players may not display any text, colours, flags, or other attributes identifying them as Russian or Belarusian.
- All other existing eligibility criteria for participation in WBF events apply. The Executive Council notes that, at writing, Belarus is not a member in good standing of the WBF and therefore Belarusian players are not currently eligible to participate in WBF events in any capacity.
This decision applies with immediate effect and stays in effect until further notice.
WBF Executive Council
Click here to download the WBF Resolution concerning Russian and Belarusian Players in PDF format