By WBF In News On 19th August 2024

The Open Category comprises 35 teams and will be split into two groups for the qualifying stage. There will be a full Round Robin played within each group, and the top 8 teams from each will qualify for the KO-stage. As set out in the Supplemental Conditions of Contest, and for the first time, we will make a public draw to determine the composition of each group, FIFA/UEFA-style.
The draw will be performed live in a Zoom “meeting” on Wednesday August 21 at 14:00 CET, conducted by the WBF President. The meeting is open to all, NPCs, NBO Officials, Participants, and any other interested persons. This invitation to the “show”:
Topic: WBG Draw of Open Series Groups
Time: Aug 21, 2024 14:00 CET
[update 2024.08.21 – 15:00 CET The Draw is now available! click here]
will also be published on the WBF website and other bridge media outlets, as well as being sent directly to all NPCs of the teams involved. All spectators will be muted and off video.
For those who do not have the opportunity to attend live, and to maintain a record of it, the meeting will be recorded and kept available on the WBF website, Facebook page and possibly also on YouTube.
This is the first time the WBF is doing something like this, and we apologise in advance for any glitches. We hope many of you will attend (the capacity is 500 attendees) and that you will appreciate and enjoy this new initiative.