WBG Draw of Open Series Groups
By WBF In News On 21st August 2024
The Open Category of the 2024 World Bridge Games – Open Teams comprises 35 teams and will be split into two groups for the qualifying stage. There will be a full Round Robin played within each group, and the top 8 teams from each will qualify for the KO-stage. As set out in the Supplemental Conditions of Contest, and for the first time, we made a public draw to determine the composition of each group, FIFA/UEFA-style
On Wednesday, 21 August 2024, the draw of Open Series Groups was performed live in a Zoom “meeting”, conducted by the WBF President. The meeting was open to all, NPCs, NBO Officials, Participants, and any other interested persons.
Video: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/pgvT9Km6zz21t8ecTsnsIdfTBMHa6643GIuv_K_oQs0arxYiSC8QMgHm11WtvNI._NXebUs3x3GJv2OK
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