Transnational in Buenos Aires – Registration extended!
By WBF In Event update, News, Official announcements On 23rd September 2024
We are aware that to date only 3 teams have registered for the Transnational Teams but fear not!
Remember that National Teams players from all categories (Open/Women/Seniors/Mixed) that do not qualify for the Semifinals can register for the Transnational Teams until the evening of the day they get knocked out.
Based on past experience, we expect at least 60 teams in the Transnational even without any new teams.
We encourage you to register for what will be a great event in a great city, featuring many of the world’s greatest partnerships.
We have extended the deadline for registration to October 15, at http://db.worldbridge.org/Repository/tourn/BuenosAires.24/microSite/Participants.asp