Jan Kamras In Memoriam 1950 – 2025
By WBF In News On 17th March 2025
The World Bridge Federation (WBF) is deeply saddened to announce the passing of its esteemed President, Jan Kamras.
Jan passed away peacefully, after a period of illness.
Jan served as President of the WBF with unwavering dedication and passion. Despite facing health challenges throughout his presidency, he demonstrated extraordinary strength and commitment and continued to work tirelessly, driven by his profound love for the game.
One of the goals of Jan’s presidency was to introduce the WBF World Tour, a ranking system based on cumulative performances at Bridge Championships, as well as select Festivals and Tournaments. The Trophy for the winners is named after Jan.
Jan was originally from Gothenburg, Sweden, but about a decade ago had moved to Tel Aviv, Israel. He was the Vice-President of the Swedish Bridge Federation from 2005 to 2016 and served, among other positions, as head of its National Team Selection Committee. He was the Captain of the Swedish National Open team 2001-2010. As a player he won the Swedish Team Championships in 2010 and was runner-up in 2011 and 2012. He won the prestigious Cavendish Teams in 2013.
Jan was elected to the European Bridge League Executive Committee in 2010. He was elected EBL Honorary Secretary and a member of the Presidential Council. He was the chairman of the Championships, IT, NBO Liaison and Master Points Committees and a member of the Finance, Material Procurement, Reviewer, Rules & Regulations, Special Investigations and Statutes Committees. He was elected EBL President in 2018.
In 2018 he was elected a member of the WBF Executive Council. In 2022 at the meeting held on 25th August in Wroclaw, Poland the WBF Executive Council unanimously elected him as President and he took up office on 1 January 2023.
The World Bridge Federation expresses its deepest condolences to Jan’s family and friends during this difficult time.
Message from Eric Laurant, 2nd WBF Vice President, EBL President
I’m deeply saddened by this devastating news. We all knew it would happen sooner rather than later but truth is, I’m not ready.
My time with Jan goes back 20 years when we both were captain of our national open teams. There was this immediate match that sometimes happens when you meet somebody new. When you meet a Friend.
Jan was elected in the executive committee of the EBL in 2010, I followed in 2012. Already in 2013 we prepared together a program to make the administration of European bridge more democratic, more transparent, and more efficient. Furthermore we aimed to bring down cheating and to improve the quality and organization of our tournaments. First in the EBL, later also in the WBF.
We are not there yet but I can say that thanks to Jan we have made big big steps.
Dear Jan, for me it’s clear, I will continue what we started together.
Thank you buddy.
Message from Ben Thompson, 1st WBF Vice President, Zone 7 President
I woke up this morning to the sad news. Even though we knew this moment was coming, it’s still hard to process. I was honoured to serve as 1st Vice President to Jan and privileged to count him as a friend. I shall miss his boundless energy and drive as he worked nearly to the end for bridge. I shall miss simply the pleasure of his company in and around the bridge world.
Farewell my friend. May you rest in thoroughly earned peace.
From the African Bridge Federation
On behalf of the African Bridge Federation and Africa’s Bridge community, we express our sincere condolences to the World Bridge Federation and, in particular, to Jan’s family. We all remember the trust he expressed towards the African Bridge Federation and the Royal Moroccan Bridge Federation as well as the strong support provided for the organisation of the World Teams Championships in Marrakech in 2024 and we will always be grateful to him for it. Dear Jan : Rest in well deserved Peace
Bernard Pascal
Message from Franck Riehm, WBF EC member and president of the French Bridge Federation.
Jan has shown immense courage in recent months and has fought the illness with strength and dignity.
Jan was a great servant of bridge. As head of the EBL and then the WBF, he made a major contribution to improve the ethics of our game. His pragmatism and good humour made him a well-liked and respected leader.
The French Bridge Federation joins his family and friends in their grief and assures them of its full support at this very difficult time.
Rest in peace Jan, you deserve it so much.
From the South African Bridge Federation:
It was with deep sadness that the South African Bridge Federation heard of the passing of Jan Kamras.
On behalf of our Executive Committee and all the members of the South African Bridge Federation , we wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the Kamras family and also to the Executive and members of the WBF.
Bridge will be poorer for Jan’s loss
From the Danish Bridge Federation
To Jan Kamras’ family, friends, and professional network,
In deep memory and with great sadness, we in the Danish Bridge Federation mourn Jan’s passing.
We will always remember him for his kind and welcoming nature and for everything he has done to promote and develop bridge worldwide.
With heartfelt condolences from the Danish Bridge Federation
From the Australian Bridge Federation
On behalf of the ABF Board, I would like to pass on our deepest condolences to his family, friends and also to the whole WBF Bridge Community.
Jan was well known to a lot of us here in Australia and we will remember him fondly. We especially remember the time he came down under and participated at the Gold Coast Congress a few years ago.
From the New Zealand Bridge Federation
On behalf of New Zealand Bridge I would like to pass on our heartfelt condolences on the passing of Jan.
I was fortunate to meet Jan when he attended the Gold Coast Congress.
It provided a one on one opportunity to hear his vision for the future and a chance for him to appreciate the challenges we experience.
Also I was in Bangkok last year when he zoomed in from his hospital bed.
A man of standing and a man of courage.
I hope future leadership will build on his legacy as we contend with an ever changing world.
From the Kuwait Mind Sports Association
On behalf of the Kuwait Mind Sports Association and all bridge players in Kuwait, I would like to express our deep sadness at the passing of Jan Kamras, a visionary leader and a true gentleman in the bridge world. His kindness, dedication, and passion for the game will forever be remembered, and his legacy will continue to inspire us all. My heartfelt condolences to his family, his loved ones, and bridge players all over the world.
From the Palestine Bridge Federation
On behalf of the Palestine Bridge Federation, please convey our deepest condolences to President Kamras family. May he rest in peace.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away , blessed be the name of the Lord .
From Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Bridge Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina would like to send our sincere condolences to the family of Mr Jan Kamras and the WBF organization.
From the Malta Bridge Association
The Malta Bridge Association expresses our deepest Condolences to Jan’s Family and also to the World Bridge Federation for the great loss.
May he rest in peace.
From the German Bridge Federation
Dear Members of the Executive Council of the World Bridge Federation,
I am deeply saddened by the untimely passing of Jan Kamras.
His loss is profound for the global bridge community.
Since 2022, I have had occasional contact with Jan regarding technical aspects of bridge and association matters. I came to know him as a kind, approachable, and knowledgeable individual, for whom Bridge was truly a passion.
Jan will be fondly remembered by both myself and the DBV.
Barbara Hanne, President DBV
From the Scottish Bridge Union
On behalf of the Scottish Bridge Union, I would like to express our deep sadness at the passing of Jan Kamras. His dedication and passion for the game will forever be remembered, and his passing is a significant loss to the world of bridge. His charisma, abundant ability and pragmatism helped him lead the EBL and latterly the WBL through significant change.
Deepest condolences to Jan’s family, friends and the World Bridge Federation for their great loss.
From the Ukraine Bridge Federation
On behalf of the Ukrainian Bridge Federation and the entire Ukrainian bridge community, we extend our heartfelt condolences on the passing of Jan Kamras, President of the World Bridge Federation (WBF).
>We were deeply saddened to hear this news. Mr. Kamras was a devoted leader whose passion for bridge had a profound impact on the game worldwide. We sincerely appreciate his invaluable contributions to its growth and development.
The Ukrainian Bridge Federation is especially grateful to Mr. Kamras for his support in 2019 when, as President of the EBL, he played a crucial role in helping our federation resolve a critical situation.
Our deepest sympathies go out to Mr. Kamras’s family and friends. His legacy will be cherished by bridge players around the world.
From the Dutch Bridge Federation
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Jan. His contribution to bridge has been immense and we thank him deeply for all he has done. Even with his illness progressing and his condition deteriorating, Jan kept putting tremendous energy into the sport.
The world bridge community loses a great president and a great human being. We will never forget his charm, sense of humour, pragmatism and natural sense of humility.
Rest in Peace Jan, the bridge world is not the same without you.
From the Contract Bridge League of Thailand
It was with dismay that we learned of the tragic death of Jan Kamras. The whole Thai
bridge community is in shock.
On behalf of the Contract Bridge League of Thailand and Thai Bridge community, we express our sincere condolences to the World Bridge Federation and, in particular, to Jan’s family. Although, we never met in person, my colleague always speak
highly of him, we will remember him and all the good that he did, may he rest in peace.
Chayawat Pisessith, President
From the Norwegian Bridge Federation
On behalf of the Norwegian bridge federation, we want to express our sadness when we heard the very sad news of Jans passing. Jan was a wonderful person, warm, including and very charismatic. He was a great representative for bridge and as President for the WBF he will be remembered for his passion and dedication.
Our warmest thoughts and deepest condolences to Jan’s family and friends.
From the Croatian Bridge Federation
It is with deep sadness that we have received the news of the passing of Jan Kamras, President of the World Bridge Federation. His dedication, leadership, and passion for bridge have left an indelible mark on our community, and his contributions to the game will be remembered for generations to come.
On behalf of the Croatian Bridge Federation, we extend our heartfelt condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues. His loss will be deeply felt across the entire bridge world.
From the Brazilian Bridge Federation
I kindly ask you to convey to Jan Kamras’s family, friends, and all the directors and staff of the WBF the sincere condolences of all Brazilian bridge players on his untimely passing. He will certainly be at peace with the Lord.
Assis de Mello Silva, President
From Waleed El Menyawi. Zone 8 T.D. Commissioner
I received with deep sadness and sorrow the news of the passing of Jan Kamras, the esteemed President of the WBF.
He was a wonderful and courteous person and was a great asset to us and to the WBF in the short time we worked with him.
On my own behalf and on behalf of Zone 8 TDs, we send our sincere condolences to the family of the deceased, to the WBF’s Executive Council, and to all the WBF’s committees.
Rest in peace, Jan Kamras,
From the Central American and Caribbean Bridge Federation
On behalf of the Central American and Caribbean Bridge Federation I join my Brothers and Sisters across the world with our most deepest sympathies on the loss of Jan. He was a true gentleman, a dynamic leader and a trusted friend that will be sorely missed. Just before Christmas we were laughing and joking as we celebrated his successful recovery.
What a shock that in a few short weeks he is gone but will live on in our hearts.
Bon Voyage my friend
From the Chinese Contract Bridge Association
We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Mr. Jan Kamras, President of the World Bridge Federation. Chinese Contract Bridge Association extends its heartfelt condolences.
Mr. Kamras was a dedicated promoter of bridge worldwide and a staunch supporter of China’s bridge development. During his presidency, his leadership and innovation advanced the sport globally. We were particularly touched by his visit to the bridge events at the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games, where he inspired young Chinese bridge players.
His passing is a great blow to the global bridge community and a personal loss to us. We will always remember him.
Please convey our sincere condolences to his family.
From the Kenya Bridge Association
On behalf of Kenya Bridge Association and all the bridge lovers of Kenya, i wish to pass our sincere condolences to the family of President, Jan Kamras and the Executive of WBF. May the wonderful work he set up in WBF continue to grow, so we can give him a fiiting tribute.
May his family and friends find the strength to bear the sad loss and May his soul rest in eternal peace
Samira Soni, President
From the Romanian Bridge Federation
With great sadness and deep sorrow, we extend our sincere condolences to Jan’s family and friends.
Jan Kamras was an extraordinary man, a beloved president and his memory will remain eternal in the world of bridge.
Farewell dear friend! We will never forget you!
From the Egyptian Bridge Federation
It is with great sadness that I, Amr Leheta on Behalf of the Egyptian Bridge Federation and the entire Egyptian Bridge Community, extend our deepest condolences on the passing of Jan Kamras. His leadership and unwavering dedication to the World Bridge Federation have left a mark on the global bridge community.
Jan played a pivotal role in promoting the game of bridge, fostering excellence, and uniting players from all corners of the world. His commitment to the game and its values of strategy, intellect, and sportsmanship will be remembered for generations to come.
His absence will be profoundly felt, but his legacy will continue to inspire and guide the bridge community. During this difficult time, everyone stands in solidarity with his family, colleagues, and all who had the privilege of knowing him. May his memory serve as a source of comfort and strength.
From the Bridge Federation of India
On behalf of the BFI Executive Committee members and the Indian bridge fraternity, we express our deep condolences and pray for strength to his family!
Prasad Keni, President
From International Chess Federation
Please accept our deepest condolences on behalf of the International Chess Federation to all the world family of bridge on the occasion of the passing of the President of the World Bridge Federation, Jan Kamras.
In his capacity as President of the European Bridge League and further, President of the World Bridge Federation, he demonstrated his dedication and unwavering passion to the game of bridge and served as a true leader to the global bridge community.
Please pass our condolences to the President’s family and friends during this difficult time.
We are sure that his contributions to the world of bridge will be remembered and cherished by generations to come.
Yours sincerely,
Arkady Dvorkovich
FIDE President
From the Korean Bridge Federation
I would like to express my deepest condolences to his family and friends, and WBF Committee.
We are saddened to hear that we lost Mr. Jan Kamras
Even though he passed away, his devotion and his passion for bridge will be remembered eternally.
May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Hyeyoung Kim, President
From the Jamaican Bridge Federation
On behalf of the Jamaica Bridge Association please extend our deepest sympathies to his family & colleagues.
May his soul Rest In Peace
From the English Bridge Union
The news of Jan’s passing was very sad indeed. The Board of the English Bridge Union offers its condolences to Jan’s family, friends and colleagues . His many achievements at the EBL & the WBF will stand as his legacy, but beyond that a huge army of bridge players consider him a friend who will be greatly missed. He always stood for the best in the world of bridge, promising financial probity, transparency and democracy, but above all he truly understood what was best for the game and its players.
Adrian Darnell, Chair, for the Board of the English Bridge Union
From the Polish Bridge Union
Polish bridge is bidding farewell to an outstanding sports activist, as well as our Friend, who visited our country many times. He was looking forward to the World Bridge Series in Poland in 2026. Illness robbed him of this opportunity. Despite a tenacious battle and fighting to the very end, he ultimately lost to it. He leaves to mourn the world bridge, which was his great passion and love. Our hearts go out to his family and friends during this difficult time.
On behalf of the Polish Bridge Union please accept our deepest condolences
Marek Michatowski, President