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WBF Meeting of Congress 2024

WBF Meeting of Congress 2024

By In News, Official announcements On 28th August 2024

The WBF is pleased to confirm that the ordinary Congress of the World Bridge Federation will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina at the Centro de Convenciones on Saturday October 26th, 2024, to examine and discuss the following:


  1.   Roll call to determine the quorum
  2.   Approval of the Minutes of the preceding Congress
  3.   Appointment of the Scrutinising Committee
  4.   President’s Report
  5.   Treasurer’s Report (including auditor’s report)
  6.   Annual Membership Dues
  7.   WBF Governance
  8.   Unfinished business
  9.   New business
  10.   Adjournment

We would like to remind you that:

  • According to art. 21 of the WBF Statutes each member NBO in good standing may be represented by one delegate at the Congress.
  • According to art. 25 of the WBF Statutes each member NBO is entitled to one vote.
  • According to art. 25 of the WBF Statutes only delegates and duly appointed proxies present at the Congress may cast votes.
  • According to art. 24 of the WBF Statutes one third of the members shall be present for a vote to be validly carried out (quorum).
  • According to art. 23 of the WBF By-Laws any affiliated member may submit in writing to the Honorary Secretary, at least thirty days before the Congress, a matter for discussion to be put on the Agenda. The EC has the right to refuse the inclusion.
  • According art. 25 of the WBF By-Laws the delegates and other persons allowed to attend the Congress must register at the Accreditation Desk before the opening of the meeting and must be accredited by the Honorary Secretary. To be accredited to the Congress, the delegates must submit: a) If NBO President, an identification document; b) If NBO Bona Fide Member, an identification document together with an official letter from the NBO confirming his appointment.
  • According to art. 26 of the WBF By-laws if an NBO, for any reason, is unable to be represented by its own delegate it may give a proxy to another NBO accredited delegate, filling and signing the official WBF Proxy Form, to be submitted to the Accreditation Desk and to be accredited by the Honorary Secretary. No delegate shall have more than one proxy and cannot cast more than two votes, including his own.

Further detailed information on the matters to be discussed will follow.

Given the importance of the matters to be discussed the WBF relies on the presence of the representatives of all the NBOs and looks forward to welcoming them in Buenos Aires.

27 August 2024