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Open & Women’s Pairs Ruling

Open and Women’s Pairs Championship statement from the WBF President The WBF Executive Council has deliberated[...]

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Bridge added to the Asian Games

Bridge will make its debut at the Asian Games! At last, the big news we all had been waiting for, realized on September 25 2016.[...]

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2016 World Bridge Games, Wroclaw, Poland

The World Bridge Games, were held between 3rd and 17th September in the magnificent[...]

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WWBC Winning Pairs

The 30th World Wide Bridge Contest Organized by the WBF in cooperation with CCBA & OurGame The qualifying[...]

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2016 World Youth Teams Championships

Salsomaggiore, Italy, 3 – 13 August 2016 Youth Teams from all over the world gathered[...]

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Patrick Jourdain 1942 – 2016

Patrick Jourdain, who was born on 1st November 1942, was bridge correspondent of the Daily Telegraph from 1992[...]

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Bots Battle in Poland

The 20th Ourgame World Computer-Bridge Championship will take place 10-15 September at the World Championships[...]

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Junior Camp in Shanghai Shengxing Teenage Bridge Club

From July 1 to July 9, the rainy season brings the city sultry weather and humidity[...]

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Goran Grguric

Article by the President of the World Bridge Federation, Gianarrigo Rona I was incredulous and grieved when I was[...]

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5th November 2015 Editorial from the President

First of all, it has to be made clear that all the components of the bridge community share[...]

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Statement from the WBF Credentials Committee

The Credentials Committee of the World Bridge Federation met earlier today.[...]

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WBF Statement, 17th September 2015

At this time the world of bridge is in turmoil following accusations of cheating on several[...]

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IOC decides to include Bridge in the Asian Games

The President of the WBF has made the following statement: I am very pleased to inform[...]

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WBF President awarded Honorary Citizenship of Opatija

On 25th July each year, on the occasion of St James Day, the patron of Opatija[...]

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Wan Li 1916 – 2015

The WBF has received the following letter from the Chinese Contract Bridge Association: Jul 15th2015, Beijing[...]

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Omar Sharif 1932 – 2015

Omar Sharif, actor and bridge player died yesterday of a heart attack in a Cairo hospital. Omar Sharif, the Franco-Arabic[...]

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Fulvio Colizzi

A new great loss in the bridge family! Fulvio Colizzi, a true friend to bridge, who worked with us for more than twenty years, has[...]

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The 2015 BFAME Championships

18th Bridge Federation of Asia and Middle East Championship BFAME General Meeting Mazhar Jafri re-elected Member[...]

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The APBF Championships and Elections

Zone 6 Elections At the General Meeting of the Asia Pacific Bridge Federation held on 20th[...]

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Management Committee Meeting, Italy – May 2015

The WBF Management Committee met in Italy last week with all members present except[...]

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