Bernard Pascal re-elected
Notification from the African Bridge Federation concerning their Elections has been received as follows: The African Bridge Federation is happy to communicate that, following our[...]
read moreThe 2022 World Bridge Series
The WBF is very pleased to announce that, as approved by the Management Committee, a Letter of Intent has been signed with the Polish Bridge[...]
read moreMatt Smith elected WBF Honorary Head Tournament Director
Following the decision by Matt Smith to retire from his position as WBF Head Tournament Director, the Management Committee at the meeting on 11th March[...]
read moreBIC is back, bigger and better!
BIC is back, bigger and better! Starting on 29 March and with the qualification stages being played through to 1st April, with the finals being[...]
read morePilot Study on the Well-being effects of Bridge
The Chairman of the WBF Bridge & Science Committee, Mr Marek Malysa from Poland, has published a very interesting pilot report from research carried out[...]
read moreWBF Investigation Committee
The WBF Management Committee at its meeting of Thursday 10th December on the proposal of the President unanimously appointed the other members of the standing[...]
read moreWBF publishes new Disciplinary Code
We are very pleased to advise that the WBF Executive Council at the Meeting of 25th/27th November unanimously approved the new Disciplinary Code With the[...]
read more2022 FISU World University Championship Mind Sports
FISU has announced that the 2022 FISU World University Championship Mind Sports will be held in Antwerp, Belgium,[...]
read moreZia elected to the WBF Committee of Honour
At the WBF Executive Council Meeting held on 25th November via Zoom, Zia Mahmood was elected as a member of the WBF Committee of Honour.[...]
read moreGeorgia Heth re-elected as ACBL President
The WBF is very pleased to hear of the re-election of Georgia Heth as ACBL President for a second term and offers her their sincere[...]
read moreInternational Review for the Sociology of Sport
The following letter and papers have been received from Prof. Samantha Punch of the University of Stirling “We are delighted to share with you the[...]
read moreHelen Kruger elected to the WBF Executive Council
Helen Kruger from South Africa is one of three candidates[...]
read moreFernando Lema elected to the Executive Council
Fernando Lema from Argentina is one of three candidates[...]
read moreWang Yannan elected to the WBF Executive Council
Wang Yannan from China is one of three candidates elected[...]
read moreDavid Birman : 1948 – 2020
The Bridge Family mourns the loss of David Birman and bows down to his memory.[...]
read moreFISU World University Online Mindsport Championships
The Championships started last Monday, 26th October.[...]
read moreGilad Ofir elected WBF E. C. Member replacing Eitan Levy
Gilad Ofir from Israel has been elected[...]
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