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Official announcements

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Zia elected to the WBF Committee of Honour

At the WBF Executive Council Meeting held on 25th November via Zoom, Zia Mahmood was elected as a member of the WBF Committee of Honour.[...]

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Reports and Information from the Residual WBF Congress 2020

The Residual Meeting of the WBF Congress was held on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 in accordance with Art 27 §1 lit.b of Ordinance 3 on[...]

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Helen Kruger elected to the WBF Executive Council

Helen Kruger from South Africa is one of three candidates[...]

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Fernando Lema elected to the Executive Council

Fernando Lema from Argentina is one of three candidates[...]

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Wang Yannan elected to the WBF Executive Council

Wang Yannan from China is one of three candidates elected[...]

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New WBF Anti-Doping Rules & Prohibited List

In accordance with the revised WADA World Anti-Doping Code which comes into force on 1st January 2021, the Management Committee unanimously approved new WBF Anti-Doping[...]

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Bridge included in the Asian Olympic Games 2022

Great news! It has been announced that Bridge is included in the 2022 Asian Olympic Games, to be held in Hangzhou, China, 10th to 25th[...]

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Thank you Simon – welcome Arianna

Our secretary and friend Simon Fellus, following five years of close and successful cooperation with the WBF, has decided that the time has come to[...]

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Gonzalo Herrera elected WBF Executive Council Member

Gonzalo Herrera, from Mexico, has been unanimously elected by the North American Bridge Federation as member[...]

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2020 WBF Meeting of Congress

It is now confirmed that the 2020 Congress will be hosted in accordance with art. 27 par. 1 lit. b of Ordinance 3 on Measures[...]

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Statement from the WBF Management Committee

The WBF Management Committee at its meeting held on 17th July 2020 took note of the confession of online cheating[...]

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2020 WBF Congress Meeting

The Management Committee at its meeting on 23rd June took the view that, since COVID-19 is still continuously developing its damaging effects,[...]

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WBF Disciplinary Code Amended

Before 2018 the WBF Anti-doping Hearing Panel, pursuant to art. 19.4 & 37 of the Statutes, had exclusive competence to hear any anti-doping cases that[...]

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Athletes’ Anti-Doping Rights Act

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published, in English and French, the final version of the Athletes’ Anti-Doping Rights Act (Act)[...]

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WBF Amendments to the By-Laws

To clarify some doubts that had arisen with regard to the electoral procedure and to avoid any possible misunderstanding or mistake,[...]

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WBF Management Committee Decisions – May 2020

The WBF Management Committee has released a Statement following its Meeting on 25th May 2020, concerning[...]

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Cancellation of the 2020 & 2021 World Bridge Championships

Following further meetings held in the spring of 2021, a new announcement concerning the cancellation of the 2021 Championships and the re-scheduling of future Championships[...]

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Mr. Chen Yeh donates, through the WBF, for COVID19

We are pleased, proud and moved to inform all the bridge friends around the world that Mr. Chen Yeh,[...]

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The President of the WBF has sent the following letter to all NBOs concerning the COVID-19 outbreak.[...]

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