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The Mind Sport played with Cards

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WBF Headline News

Pilot Study on the Well-being effects of Bridge

The Chairman of the WBF Bridge & Science Committee, Mr Marek Malysa from Poland, has published a very interesting pilot report from research carried out[...]

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WBF Investigation Committee

The WBF Management Committee at its meeting of Thursday 10th December on the proposal of the President unanimously appointed the other members of the standing[...]

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WBF publishes new Disciplinary Code

We are very pleased to advise that the WBF Executive Council at the Meeting of 25th/27th November unanimously approved the new Disciplinary Code  With the[...]

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2022 FISU World University Championship Mind Sports

FISU has announced that the 2022 FISU World University Championship Mind Sports will be held in Antwerp, Belgium,[...]

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Zia Mahmood

Zia elected to the WBF Committee of Honour

At the WBF Executive Council Meeting held on 25th November via Zoom, Zia Mahmood was elected as a member of the WBF Committee of Honour.[...]

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Georgia Heth re-elected as ACBL President

The WBF is very pleased to hear of the re-election of Georgia Heth as ACBL President for a second term and offers her their sincere[...]

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