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The Mind Sport played with Cards

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WBF Headline News

Zone 1 – Teams qualified for the next World Bridge Teams Championships

The 54 European Bridge Team Championships held in Ostend from 6th to 16th of June just ended.[...]

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Youth World Triathlon Championship – Orlando 2018

Come and play in Orlando! Enjoy a really exciting event which will be held alongside the 15th World Bridge Series.[...]

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EBL General Assembly – Jan Kamras elected President

Jan Kamras, Marc De Pauw, Eric Laurant, Eitan Levy and Kari-Anne Opsal elected members of the WBF Executive Council. The EBL General Assembly held in[...]

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Registering a pair or a team for the World Bridge Series

In order to register a player, there are three main steps you need to take, but also please read the advisory notes[...]

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Exploring the Social World of the Mind Sport of Bridge

The partnership of EBED, UK and Irish Bridge Unions and the University of Stirling have provided funding for a 3 year PhD[...]

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SportAccord Convention 2018

The annual SportAccord Convention was held in Bangkok, Thailand from Monday 16th to Friday 21st April. The WBF was represented by[...]

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