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The Mind Sport played with Cards

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WBF Headline News

WBF Statement, 17th September 2015

At this time the world of bridge is in turmoil following accusations of cheating on several[...]

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IOC decides to include Bridge in the Asian Games

The President of the WBF has made the following statement: I am very pleased to inform[...]

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WBF President awarded Honorary Citizenship of Opatija

On 25th July each year, on the occasion of St James Day, the patron of Opatija[...]

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Wan Li 1916 – 2015

The WBF has received the following letter from the Chinese Contract Bridge Association: Jul 15th2015, Beijing[...]

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Omar Sharif 1932 – 2015

Omar Sharif, actor and bridge player died yesterday of a heart attack in a Cairo hospital. Omar Sharif, the Franco-Arabic[...]

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Fulvio Colizzi

A new great loss in the bridge family! Fulvio Colizzi, a true friend to bridge, who worked with us for more than twenty years, has[...]

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