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- Wbf participant’s commitment form
Click here to sign the Commitment form online Once it has been signed digitally, the WBF will automatically receive a copy and a copy will also be emailed to you. Commitment forms registered with the WBF since 2017 are still valid, but those registered prior to that are not and participants need to complete this revised form.
Please note that if you are not registered in the WBF Database, signing the Commitment form is not sufficient – you must complete the WBF Registration Form and send it by email to : communications@worldbridgefed.com so that the details can be imported together with your photograph, head and shoulders, in focus and good resolution to be used on your badge and published with your playing record on the website. It is not possible for your details to be entered directly from the Commitment form – the registration form MUST be completed and sent separately please.
Please check to ensure you are registered in the WBF Database by clicking here and entering your family name. If you are NOT registered then please follow the instructions below to register as well as signing the Commitment form.
For Minors:
If you are a minor then your parent or legal guardian will need to compete and sign the Commitment form on your behalf, and must also complete and sign the Parental Consent form. This relates to the 2025 World Youth Teams Championships and will only be valid for that specific Championship. Once digitally signed the WBF will automatically receive a copy and a copy will also be emailed to the person signing the form. Note that a new form will be provided for each event entered by a minor.
General Information about Commitment Form requirements
It is mandatory for all players, NPCs, Coaches or other Team Officials in WBF Championships to provide a completed WBF Commitment Declaration. In the case of minors, the Parental Consent form must also be completed and signed.
It should be noted that this requirement applies to the qualifying Zonal Championships held for the purpose of qualifying the teams to represent each Zone in the World Bridge Teams Championship. It is in addition to any commitment form required by the individual Zone.
If you prefer to provide the document by downloading it, then all four pages should be scanned as a PDF or if that is really not possible, photographed and sent to communications@worldbridgefed.com for registration ensuring that all four pages are legible and that the files are not too big. Please be sure to put the person’s name in the subject line of the email. Simly download the : WBF Participant’s Commitment Declaration (PDF format). You can also download the document in Word format if you prefer Just click here.
Once this new commitment form is signed it will remain valid for future WBF events. If you registered a form for the 2017 or any subsequent WBF Championships this is still valid and you do not need to send another.
Amendments to be noted:
Players are advised that by providing their email address and their mobile / cell phone number, either as part of the Commitment form or part of their registration in the WBF Database they are consenting to being contacted by the World Bridge Federation in relation to WBF Championships and WBF information. The email addresses and mobile / cell phone numbers given will not be given or sold to any third party and will solely be used by the WBF. Players are asked to update the WBF with any revised email address by emailing communications@worldbridgefed.com.
The current Athlete’s Consent form from WADA is incorporated as section 20 of the WBF Commitment form and that update is deemed to be part of any forms previously submitted in 2017 and 2018. Please check by downloading the latest commitment form from the link above and note the changes to Section 20. If you do not agree to be committed by it, then you can request the WBF to rescind your commitment form for future events, but the one you signed will remain in force for the event(s) in which you played. You will not then be permitted to play in any future events without signing the new form.
However, please note that any forms signed BEFORE 2017 are no longer valid, so if you signed a form for events in 2015 or 2016 you need to follow the above procedure in order to sign the new one and send it in.
Also please note that forms signed for EBL events are NOT valid for WBF events. A specific WBF form needs to be signed.
Information about and registration to the WBF Championships can be found on the WBF Championship Site
Please note that the Commitment forms are retained indefinitely by the WBF; they are kept on a password protected computer and backed up to another password protected computer as well as an encrypted drive all of which are held behind a firewall. At no time are they sent to any person other than WBF Personnel needing them during the course of their specific activities. They are never displayed or disseminated to any website or any public forum.