Presentations, Research Papers & Archive Documents
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- Presentations, research papers & archive documents
WBF Seminars
The documents from WBF Seminars held in different Zones
Research Documents from BAMSA (Bridge A Mindsport for All)
- From bridge to chess, why men outperform women at mindsports – and what to do about it
- Click here to watch the new research animation on the Benefits of Bridge
- The Physicality of Mindsports Through Elite Bridge Players’ Sensorial Experiences: Presence, Confidence, and Bodies, or a two-page summary is also available via the Research section of the BAMSA website.
- WBF and University of Stirling Research Updates
- Exploring the Social World of the Mind Sport of Bridge
- Short Video linked to the BAMSA research on the benefits of bridge
- International Review for the Sociology of Sport
- Playing with Emotions: Emotional Complexity in the Social World of Elite Tournament Bridge, Emotions and Society
- Serious Leisure Experience in a Dyadic Pursuit: Elite Player Motivations and Participation in Tournament Bridge, Leisure Studies
Two-page accessible summaries of these and other BAMSA papers can be found in the relevant project in the Research section on our website and all of them are also listed in Resources:
Research Documents
- Bridge And Science News (March 2025)
- Research into Bridge, Dementia Prevention & Alzheimer Therapy
- International Scientific Conference – Recreation and joy of life for Seniors
Presentations and Talks
Archive material
A large amount of archive material, including Bulletins, Newsletters, Programmes, Championship Statistics and other data as well as the convention cards used in previous championships is also available. You can browse through or do a specific search to find the material you are interested in. Click here to search the archive